Day Students

The American International School-Salzburg is primarily a full boarding school with over 80% of our students living on the school campus in dormitory rooming. However, between 15% and 20% of our students live in the immediate area in and around Salzburg and join us for instruction as day students.
Day students must apply to the school by the same procedure as with all other applicants. Transcripts, letters of recommendation, and an application form are required and are then reviewed by the school administration to make a determination concerning enrollment. Day students are generally enrolled at the start of the school year in September, but can also join us at the end of the Fall Trimester (end of November) or following the Winter Break (early January) provided they have been enrolled in school during the first part of the school year.
Day student tuition provides the students will full instruction and guidance from the teaching faculty and administration. There is no difference between a day or boarding students’ academic responsibilities or programming. Tuition includes all books, daily lunch, accident insurance, school excursions, and a standardized test annually. Day student parents pay tuition on a trimesterly basis (3x annually).
Day students are permitted to remain on campus during school days until 17:00 when they must depart for home. They are also invited to come early in the morning and take breakfast with us as well. On weekends, day students are encouraged to participate in any weekend activities that interest them, although there may be some costs involved and the resident-care staff would need to be made aware of this wish before the weekend begins. To this end, the parents of all day students receive a copy of the weekend activities sign up sheet that is passed out weekly to the boarding students. Day students regularly participate in school athletics and other functions and are an integral part of our small school community. When a day student is ill or otherwise unable to come to school and take advantages of course offerings, the parents must notify the administration immediately. Local parents of day students are encouraged to stop by the school whenever desired to speak with teachers and administrators. A quick telephone call to confirm an appointment is all it takes.
AIS-Salzburg does not provide transport for day students living in and around Salzburg. Students can make their way to the school utilizing the excellent public transport services in Salzburg or dropped off and picked up by immediate family members.
For inquiries or to apply click here.