Diploma and Academic Credit System

The diploma awarded graduates of the American International School-Salzburg is based upon an academic credit system. Academic credits are distributed to students following the successful conclusion of credit-bearing courses verified by a grade of 60% or higher. This applies to high school courses only (grades 9-12). At each grade level, a certain number of courses and credits are required for promotion. Following four years of high school, a student is awarded the AIS-Salzburg diploma based upon the total number of academic credits received. On average, a high school student will earn between 6.5 and 7.5 academic credits annually. For the school’s diploma, a student must earn a minimum of 26 academic credits distributed as follows:
English I
4 credits (three for incoming sophomores; two for incoming juniors; 1 for incoming seniors)
English II
4 credits (three for incoming sophomores; two for incoming juniors; 1 for incoming seniors)
4 credits (three for incoming sophomores; two for incoming juniors; 1 for incoming seniors)
3 credits including Mathematics 9 & 10
3 credits including Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Social Studies
3 credits including World Cultures and U.S. History
1 credit in a mathematics or science course at least one level higher than the minimum requirement in each subject area
Healthy Lifestyle Requirement
2 credits (0.5 credits per year, each year)
2 credits (0.5 credits per year, each year)
Unlike most European school systems, there are no diploma examinations which determine successful completion of secondary schooling. At AIS-Salzburg, all credit-bearing courses have a final examination element at the end of the course in the spring and this grade is averaged with the three trimester marks to establish the final grade with must be above 60% to earn the academic credit. All final examinations must be passed with a minimum grade of 60% in order to gain credit in the course.
Here is a list of academic credits assigned individual courses at AIS-Salzburg in grades 9 through 12.